Tuesday, February 16, 2010


For those of you who may not know, I recently started my MBA. I am thoroughly enjoying my first class "Executive Skills", which is all about public speaking, email etiquette, writing proposals...all of the important daily stuff that we sometimes neglect. My professor is wildly entertaining...not to mention I instantly liked her when she wore too-cute Coach shoes to our first class (is that shallow? I appreciate someone with sassy style!)

Last night during one of her informative rants she was discussing intentions and boundaries. Why is it that a close friend or spouse can confide in you anything- or provide candid advice or opinions to you without fear? It isn't what they say that navigates any boundaries, it is the intention behind it. I never really thought of it that way. Essentially you can share whatever you feel with those close girlfriends, and hopefully your significant other, because they know it's coming from your heart and you don't mean harm (at least, that's how it should be). On the flip side, if someone you barely knew or trusted said something similar you might be grossly offended. Ex: The IT guy at work comments on how bold your new hairstyle is...BOLD?! What does that mean. Who is he to comment!! Am I right?

I am fortunate to have several close friends in my life that I have this relationship with...they understand that at the heart I care about them, and would never say anything with the intent to hurt. However I am not always the smoothest operator and sometimes excitement or passion overshadows my tiny ration of tact that I possess (thanks, Dad). Or my loving husband who I've said a few things to and really meant out of love, although a few haven't sat as well as I intended...there was a "pear shaped" comment I made when he complained about his jeans not fitting right. I meant it as a consolation but you may imagine how that really went down. NOTE: Do not ever tell a MAN he is pear-shaped. There is no shovel that will dig you out of that.

The class provided a good lesson...build relationships with those around you on the foundation of good intentions. But my biggest takeaway was thankfulness, for all those in my life (you know who you are) that I can truly be myself with and honesty always comes from the heart. <3

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